Well, with a new year comes a blank slate. A time to start over.
If you’ve been following, or even occasionally visiting my website, you’ll realize it’s never been very active. Honestly, I have no intentions of ever becoming a blogger. My site has always been more of a place to share things with others and post pictures of my Halloween and gaming projects.
Part of the dilemma is that I had moved the site to Google Sites. I hated it. Not because of it’s features, but because it simply isn’t a great platform for quickly and easily posting in a blog-style.
So, here we I am back at WordPress with the hopes of posting more frequently.
Wish me luck!
Woohoo! You’re back. (I check this site once a week.) Best wishes!
Lester, yes I am! I’m hoping that the new site and new format help me post more frequently than in the past!