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About the Creator

James “The Geek” Pearson, Author, Creator, Game Designer, Nerd
You may not know me, but I have a handful of RPG projects under my belt. I recently successfully funded and fulfilled my first crowdfunded game, Psi-Kids RPG, on GameOnTabletop. Most Recently, I’ve completed fulfilling The Tales from the Terror Tomb(tm) Game on Kickstarter.
Here are a few projects I’ve self-published:
- Psi-Kids the RPG– Successfully crowdfunded RPG using Lester Smith’s Bookmark No HP RPG. Unlike other RPGs, this game is presented entirely on a deck of cards! The project included the Core Deck, Game Host Deck, Player’s Booster Deck, the Playing Card Adventure Log, and two additional adventure decks.
- Dr. Cushing’s Chamber of Horrors – RPG adaptation of Stephen Sullivan’s novel by the same name. This game uses the first edition rules of Lester’s D6xD6.
- 4 complete boxed games (rules, adventures, maps, etc.) Also based on Bookmark No HP RPG. These four games were produced over four months as a personal challenge to see if I could.
- I’ve written three non-fiction books on IT and cybersecurity.
- I’ve ghostwritten a cybersecurity book.
- I’ve published two settings for Lester Smith’s D6xD6 game—Noir Vigilantes – The Justice Chamber! and Tales from the Terror Tomb (the first edition).
My Products

The Tales From the Terror Tomb™ Game
A horror role-playing game that pays homage to 1950s horror comics like EC’s Tales from the Crypt and the movies, books, and shows that they influenced. But it takes a special person to play this game! Learn more.

Psi-Kids™ RPG
A sci-fi RPG game where you and your friends play kids with emerging and mysterious psionic abilities. Inspired by films such as Scanners, Firestarter, Carrie, and Stranger Things. Learn more.

Playing Card Adventure Log™
Imagine a quick, portable way to track your game notes, develop random encounter charts on the fly, and more. Learn more about this unique tracking system.

Advanced ESP Cards for Magicians and Mentalists
A magical deck designed to astound and mystify your family and friends!

Psychic Burn Magic Trick for ESP, Magicians, Mentalists
A spectator draws a picture of the mentalist’s thumb and then, using a red pen, “burns” the chosen image onto the drawing, which then appears as a blister on the performer’s thumb!

ESP Dream Deck for Magicians and Mentalists
The spectator’s randomly selected ESP symbol magically appears as the only face-up card in the performer’s Dream Deck.